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Ruby on Railsの基礎 - 新規プロジェクト

2022-02-01 17:37:17

Ruby on Railsのディレクトリ構造

+ app/ #controllers, models, views, helper methods, mail, static resources
+ bin/ #rails scripts
+ config/ #routing, database, etc.
+ db/ #database schema, migration files
+ lib/ #extension modules
+ log/ #logs
+ public/ #public resources
+ test/ #Unit tests
- config.ru #Rack server program settings, used to start the program
- Gemfile,Gemfile.lock #Specify Gem dependencies for bundler gem
- Rakefile #Save and load tasks that can be executed from the command line, add tasks to lib/tasks


rails new blog

bundle install #gem install dependencies

gemのソースが切り替わります。 http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com/rubygems/
Bundlerツールを使って、gemパッケージ、rubyパッケージ http://bundler.io/


rails server

アクセス localhost:3000