1. ホーム
  2. Web プログラミング
  3. ウェブ編集者


2022-01-17 07:14:08


* Calculate the length of the editor's current content
* @name getContentLength
* @grammar editor.getContentLength(ingoneHtml,tagNames) =>
* @example
* editor.getLang(true)
* July 1, 2013 16:53:15 The content commented out is the number of content after removing html tags, the actual entry is counting html tags and text so the word count is based on getContents
getContentLength: function (ingoneHtml, tagNames) {
var count = this.getContent(false,false,true).length;
/*if (ingoneHtml) {
tagNames = (tagNames || []).concat([ 'hr', 'img', 'iframe']);
count = this.getContentTxt().replace(/[\t\r\n]+/g, '').length;
for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tagNames[i++];) {
count += this.document.getElementsByTagName(ci).length;
return count;

