add_argument 共通パラメータ
2022-02-25 01:54:10
Chromiumコマンドラインスイッチのリスト " Peter Beverloo
chrome_options.add_argument('--incognito') # Chromeをシークレットモード(無記名モード)にする。
--allow-outdated-plugins Don't disable expired plugins.
--allow-running-insecure-content By default, https pages are not allowed to reference javascript/css/plug-ins from http links. adding this parameter will let them go.
--allow-scripting-gallery Allows extension scripts to take effect in the official application center. By default, these scripts are blocked for security reasons.
--disable-accelerated-video Disable GPU-accelerated video.
--disable-dart Disable Dart.
--disable-desktop-notifications Disable desktop notifications, which are enabled by default in Windows.
--disable-extensions Disable extensions.
--disable-file-system Disable the FileSystem API.
--disable-preconnect Disable TCP/IP preconnect.
--disable-remote-fonts Disable remote fonts support. fonts in SVG are not affected by this parameter.
--disable-speech-input Disable voice input.
--disable-web-security Disable same-origin policy.
--disk-cache-dir Set the cache to the given path.
--disk-cache-size Set the upper limit of cache size in bytes.
--dns-prefetch-disable Disable DNS pre-reading.
--enable-print-preview Enable print preview.
--extensions-update-frequency Set the extensions auto-update frequency in seconds.
--incognito Make the browser start directly in incognito mode.
--keep-alive-for-test Keeps the browser process going after the last tab is closed. (somehow improves hot start speed, but you'd better have plenty of memory)
--kiosk Enable kiosk mode. (A fullscreen-like browsing mode)
--lang Use the specified language.
--no-displaying-insecure-content By default, https pages allow images/fonts/frames to be referenced from http links. Adding this parameter will block this content.
--no-first-run Skip Chromium first run check.
--no-referrers Do not send Http-Refererer headers.
--no-sandbox Disable sandboxing completely.
--no-startup-window Do not create windows on startup.
--proxy-pac-url Use a pac proxy script with the given URL. (You can also use a local file, such as --proxy-pac-url="file:\\\c:\proxy.pac")
--proxy-server uses the given proxy server, this parameter is only valid for http and https. (e.g. --proxy-server=
--single-process Run Chromium in single-process mode. (Browser will give insecurity warning on startup)
--start-maximized Maximize on startup.
--user-agent Use the given User-Agent string
Arguments: --user-data-dir=UserDataDir
Purpose: Customize the user account folder (e.g. -user-data-dir="D:\temp\Chrome User Data")
Parameters: --process-per-tab
Purpose: Use a separate process for each tab
Parameter: --process-per-site
Purpose: Use a separate process for each site
Parameter: --in-process-plugins
Purpose: Plugins do not enable separate processes
Parameter: --disable-popup-blocking
Purpose: Disable popup blocking
Parameters: --disable-javascript
Purpose: Disable JavaScript
Parameters: --disable-java
Purpose: Disable Java
Parameters: --disable-plugins
Purpose: Disable plugins
Arguments: --disable-images
Purpose: Disable images
Parameters: --omnibox-popup-count="num"
Purpose: change the number of popups in the URL column to num
Parameters: --enable-vertical-tabs
Purpose: To adjust the chrome explorer tabs to be stored on the left, not the top
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[解決済み] org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: リモートブラウザとの通信にエラーが発生しました。ChromeDriverとSeleniumで死亡している可能性があります。
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