2022-02-08 22:16:03
A. ホストオブジェクト JavaScript のホスト環境によって提供されるオブジェクトで、その動作はホスト環境によって完全に決定されます。
ブラウザオブジェクトB. 組み込みオブジェクト JavaScript 言語が提供するオブジェクト
a. Intrinsic objects Instances of objects that are automatically created with JavaScript runtime creation, as specified by the standard Three values: Infinity, NaN, undefined Nine functions: eval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent Some constructors: Array, Date, RegExp, Promise, Proxy, Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet, Function, Boolean, String, Number, Symbol, Object, Error, EvalError, RangeError. ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer, DataView, Typed Array, Float32Array, Float64Array Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, UInt8Array, UInt16Array, UInt32Array, UInt8ClampedArray. Four objects used as namespaces. Atomics JSON Math Reflect Find all intrinsic objects : Use breadth-first search to find all properties and Getters/Setters of these objects to get all intrinsic objects of JS var set = new Set(); var objects = [eval,isFinite,isNaN,parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,Array,Date,RegExp, Promise,Proxy,Map,WeakMap,Set,WeakSet,Function,Boolean,String,Number,Symbol,Object,Error,EvalError,RangeError,ReferenceError, SyntaxError,TypeError,URIError,ArrayBuffer,SharedArrayBuffer,DataView,Float32Array,Float64Array,Int8Array,Int16Array,Int32Array, Uint8Array,Uint16Array,Uint32Array,Uint8ClampedArray,Atomics,JSON,Math,Reflect]; objects.forEach(o => set.add(o)); for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { var o = objects[i] for(var p of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)) { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, p) if( (d.value ! == null && typeof d.value === "object") || (typeof d.value === "function")) if(!set.has(d.value)) set.add(d.value), objects.push(d.value); if( d.get ) if(!set.has(d.get)) set.add(d.get), objects.push(d.get); if( d.set ) if(!set.has(d.set)) set.add(d.set), objects.push(d.set); } } b. Native objects Objects that can be created by the user through built-in constructors such as Array, RegExp, or special syntax New objects can be created by the new operation, called native objects typeof new Date // object typeof Date() // string Their implementations of [[call]] [[construct]] do not always have the same result The execution process of new: A. create a new object using the prototype property of the constructor as the prototype B. Pass this and the call argument to the constructor for execution C. If the constructor returns an object, return it, otherwise return to the first step of creation [[construct]] execution procedure: Create a new object with Object.prototype as the prototype. Execute the [[call]] of the function with the new object as this. If the return value of [[call]] is an object, then this object is returned, otherwise the new object created in the first step is returned. function cls(){ this.a = 100; return { getValue:() => this.a } } var o = new cls; o.getValue(); //100 //a is never accessible outside Special Behavior Objects Array: The length property of Array changes automatically based on the largest subscript. Object.prototype: as the default prototype of all normal objects, you can't set a prototype for it anymore. String: To support subscript operations, access to the positive integer property of String goes to the string. Arguments: the non-negative integer subscript property of arguments is linked to the corresponding variable. The namespace object of the module: it has many special features and is completely different from the normal object, so try to use it only for import. Arrays of types and array buffers: associated with memory blocks, with special subscripting operations. function after bind: associated with the original function. * Constructors in JS: Basic types Boolean String Number Symbol Object Basic Functions and Data Structures Array Date RegExp Promise Proxy Map WeakMap Set WeakSet Function Error Type Error EvalError RangeError ReferenceRrror SyntaxError TypeError URIError Binary Operations ArrayBuffer SharedArrayBuffer DataView Arrays with types Float32Array Float64Array int8Array int16Array int32Array UInt8Array UInt16Array UInt32Array UInt8ClampedArray Most of the objects created by these constructors use private fields: Error: [[ErrorData]] Boolean: [[BooleanData]] Number: [[NumberData]] Date: [[DateValue]] RegExp: [[RegExpMatcher]] Symbol: [[SymbolData]] Map: [[MapData]] c. Common object An object created by the {} syntax, the Object constructor, or the class keyword defining the class, which can be inherited by the prototype Function objects has a [[call]] private field The [[call]] private field must be a function defined in an engine that accepts this value and call parameters and generates a domain switch Constructor objects has [[construct]] private fields
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