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[CSSチュートリアル】cssフレックスレイアウト ロング自動改行サンプルコード

2022-01-12 21:32:11

フレックスコンテナを作成するには、要素に display: flex 属性を追加するだけです。
フレックスアイテムの合計がコンテナより幅が広い場合、フレックスコンテナの幅Demoに収まるまでフレックスアイテムが縮小されます。ページを見つけてf12キーを押し、div内の複数のdiv要素の組み合わせを見つけ、flexとwidth: 900pxを宣言し、後の練習自動改行ができるように固定幅を与える




ここで、親要素に以下のように「flex-flow: wrap;」を追加する必要があります。





display: flex;
/* flex-direction determines the direction of the main axis row(default)|row-reverse|column|column-reverse*/
/* flex-direction: row; */
/* flex-wrap determines whether and how to change rows when the alignment does not fit, nowrap(default)|wrap|wrap-reverse */
/* flex-wrap:wrap; */
/* flex-flow is a shorthand form of lex-direction and flex-wrap, e.g. row wrap|column wrap-reverse, etc. The default value is row nowrap, which means horizontal alignment without line breaks */
flex-flow:row wrap;
/* ! justify-content, which determines the alignment of the item on the main axis. The possible values are flex-start (default), flex-end, center, space-between, space-around */
/* ! when the main axis is horizontal! determines the alignment of the item on the cross-axis, possible values are flex-start|flex-end|center|baseline|stretch */

例 CSS Flex フレキシブルレイアウト (複数 div の自動改行)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Flex layout</title>
        .con {
            /* To create a flex container, simply add a display: flex attribute to an element. */
            /* By default, all direct child elements are considered flex items and are arranged in a row in order from left to right. */
             /* If the total width of flex items is greater than the container, then flex items will be scaled down until they fit the flex container width */
            display: flex;
            /* flex-direction determines the direction of the main axis row(default)|row-reverse|column|column-reverse*/
            /* flex-direction: row; */
            /* flex-wrap determines whether and how to change rows when the alignment does not fit, nowrap(default)|wrap|wrap-reverse */
            /* flex-wrap:wrap; */
            /* flex-flow is a shorthand form of lex-direction and flex-wrap, e.g. row wrap|column wrap-reverse, etc. The default value is row nowrap, which means horizontal alignment without line breaks */
            flex-flow: row wrap;
            /* ! justify-content, which determines the alignment of the item on the main axis. The possible values are flex-start (default), flex-end, center, space-between, space-around */
            justify-content: center;
            /* ! When the main axis is horizontal! determines how the item is aligned on the cross-axis, possible values are flex-start|flex-end|center|baseline|stretch */
            align-items: center;

            .con > div {
                width: 100px;
                height: 100px;
                background: #8DB6CD;
                border: 1px solid black;
                margin-left: 10px;
                text-align: center;
                line-height: 100px;
    <div class='con'>
        <! -- The value of order is an integer, the default is 0, the smaller the integer, the more forward the item is arranged Here only set the order attribute for item1 and item4 1 and 4 are arranged at the end, and 4 is in front of 1 -->
        <div style="order: 2">item 1</div>
        <div style="height: 300px;">item 2</div>
        <! -- flex-grow defines whether the item is enlarged when there is extra space in the flex container flex-shrink is shrink -->
        <div style="flex-grow:2">item 3</div>
        <div style="order: 1">item 4</div>
        <div style="flex-basis:60px">item 5</div>
        <div>item 6</div>
        <div>item 7</div>
        <div>item 8</div>
        <div>item 9</div>
        <div>item 10</div>
        <div>item 11</div>
