const char* から char* へ、const 属性の削除
2022-02-28 04:05:36
const char* = char* char* to const char* can be converted. Sending it over does not work The method to remove the const attribute is as follows. string str = "aaa"; char* p =const_cast<char*>(str.c_str()); printf("%s",p); const_cast is used to discard the const declaration of a variable, but cannot change the const attribute of the object to which the variable refers. That is, const_cast is used for an object that is not originally const; if it is used for an object that is originally const, the result is unpredictable (the C++ language does not provide for such a case), so please note that I underlined "variable" vs. Please note that I underlined "variable" vs "object" above. In general const_cast is used in this case: a const pointer (variable) points to a non-const object, and when the programmer confirms this (that the object pointed to is non-const), he uses the const_cast operator to discard the const modifier of the variable to get a non-const pointer, see "The C++ Programming language (special edition)" for details. language (special edition), Section
char* to const char* can be converted. Sending it over does not work
The method to remove the const attribute is as follows.
string str = "aaa";
char* p =const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
const_cast is used to discard the const declaration of a variable, but cannot change the const attribute of the object to which the variable refers. That is, const_cast is used for an object that is not originally const; if it is used for an object that is originally const, the result is unpredictable (the C++ language does not provide for such a case), so please note that I underlined "variable" vs. Please note that I underlined "variable" vs "object" above.
In general const_cast is used in this case: a const pointer (variable) points to a non-const object, and when the programmer confirms this (that the object pointed to is non-const), he uses the const_cast operator to discard the const modifier of the variable to get a non-const pointer, see "The C++ Programming language (special edition)" for details. language (special edition), Section
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