1. ホーム
  2. スクリプト・コラム
  3. その他

[解決済み】警告:制御が非ボイド関数の終わりに達する [-Wreturn-type].

2022-01-02 06:06:41



/*date difference calculator*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int Date1 = 0, Date2 = 0, Dif, F, L, D1, D2, M1, M2, Y1, Y2;
  int x[13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
  int y[13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
  char A1, A2, B1, B2;

/*input first date*/

 fprintf (stderr , "Enter first date,in the form <day>/<month>/<year>  or <day>-<month>-<year>.\nWhere <day>,<month> and <year> are integers:\n");
 (scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D1, &A1, &M1, &B1, &Y1));

/*check first date*/

 if (!(Y1 % 4)) x[2]=29;
 while ((Y1 < 1 || (Y1 > 9999)) || (M1 < 1 || M1 > 12) || (D1 < 1 || D1 > x[M1]) || (A1 != B1) || ((A1 != '/') && (A1 != '-'))) 
       fprintf (stderr, "Incorrect format, re-enter date:\n");
       scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D1, &A1, &M1, &B1, &Y1);
       if (!(Y1 % 4)) x[2]=29;

/*print first date*/

 fprintf (stderr, "First date = %i%c%i%c%i\n", D1 , A1 , M1 , B1 , Y1);

/*input second date*/

 fprintf (stderr , "Enter second date,in the form <day>/<month>/<year> or <day>-<month>-<year>.\nWhere <day>,<month> and <year> are integers:\n");
 (scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D2, &A2, &M2, &B2, &Y2));

/*check second date*/

 if (!(Y2 % 4)) y[2]=29;
 while ((Y2 < 1 || (Y2 > 9999)) || (M2 < 1 || M2 > 12) || (D2 < 1 || D2 > y[M2]) || (A2 != B2) || ((A2 != '/') && (A2 != '-'))) 
       fprintf (stderr, "Incorrect format, re-enter date:\n");
       scanf("%i%c%i%c%i", &D2, &A2, &M2, &B2, &Y2);
       if (!(Y2 % 4)) y[2]=29;

/*print second date*/

 fprintf (stderr, "Second date = %i%c%i%c%i\n", D2 , A2 , M2 , B2 , Y2);

/*convert first date into days*/

 for (F = 1; Y1 > F ; F++) 
     if (F % 4 == 0) (Date1 = Date1 + 366);
     else (Date1 = Date1 + 365);
 for (L = 1; M1 > L ; L++) 
     Date1 = Date1 + x[L];
 Date1 = Date1 + D1;

/*convert second date into days*/

 for (F = 1; Y2 > F ; F++) 
     if (F % 4 == 0) (Date2 = Date2 + 366);
     else (Date2 = Date2 + 365);
 for (L = 1; M2 > L ; L++) 
     Date2 = Date2 + y[L];
 Date2 = Date2 + D2;

/*standard output*/

 Dif = Date2 - Date1;
 printf("\n%i\n\n" , Dif);

/*text output*/

 if (Date2 > Date1)  
    {Dif = Date2 - Date1;
    fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is %i days before second date.\n" , Dif);}
 if (Date1 > Date2)  
    {Dif = Date1 - Date2;
    fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the second date is %i days before first date.\n" , Dif);} 
 if (Date1 == Date2)  
    fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is equal to second date.\n"); 

これを用いてコンパイルする場合。 gcc -Wall -ansi date1.c -o date1 このような現象が発生します。

date1.c: In function ‘main’:
date1.c:70:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]





必要なのは return をある時点でmain関数から削除してください。エラーメッセージによると、この関数は値を返すように定義されていますが、あなたは何も返していません。

  /* .... */
  if (Date1 == Date2)  
     fprintf (stderr , "Indicating that the first date is equal to second date.\n"); 

  return 0;