1. ホーム
  2. アンドロイド


2022-02-25 23:40:13
Android 2.1 source code structure analysis

Android 2.1 General Catalog |-- Makefile |-- bionic (bionic C library) |-- bootable (bootable boot-related code) |-- build (holds system compilation rules and configuration of basic development packages such as generic) |-- cts (Android compatibility test suite standard) |-- dalvik (dalvik JAVA virtual machine) |-- development (application development related) |-- external (some open source modules used by android) |-- frameworks (core frameworks - java and c++ languages) |-- hardware (mainly protects the hardwired adaptation layer HAL code) |-- out (The compiled code is output with this directory) |-- packages (application packages) |-- prebuilt (some resources precompiled for x86 and arm architectures) |-- sdk (sdk and emulator) |-- system (file system libraries, applications, and components - in C) `-- vendor (vendor custom code)