穴の中 TypeError: サポートされていないオペランドタイプ(s) for /: str' と 'int' です。
インターネット上の多くのブログを調べた結果、まず、エラーメッセージのTypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /.から、unsorted operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int', it is a type error: Operational type is not supported for integers and string, the reason of my error is the same as. これは はやや似ているが同一ではなく、答えを探しに来た人が見ることができ、自分の特定の問題を解決するためのアイデアを開くことができる:。
1. エラーの説明
def getPosCount(self):
""" lexical statistics, see that more """
# sorted backwards, from largest to smallest
res = sorted(self._wordPosCount.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
print("lexical statistics: ",res)
print("Top 30%: ")
for i in range(int(res.__len__()*0.3)):
# here i should be the marker of this line in the lexical list, res[i][1] in what [1] means is not quite clear, did not find that
# and do not know 'keyword + text number (you can go to commons/xml2dict.py run to see) how to operate
print(res[i],'percentage:',res[i][1]/self._totalWrodCount,'keyword+text number (you can go to commons/xml2dict.py to run it):', self._wordPosList[res[i][0]])#res[i][0] of [ 0] refers to the position of n. i should be the loop length
#question is res[i][1]/self._totalWrodCount replaced by res[i][0] will report TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
# seems to understand a little, [1] refers to ('n ', 1755) of 1755, replaced by [0] is to represent 'n', so will report a type error
def getPosCount(self):
"""Word count, see which one is more """
# totNum = sum(list(self._wordPosCount.values()))
res = sorted(self._wordPosCount.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)# reverse sort, from largest to smallest
print("Word count: ",res)
print("Top 30%: ")
for i in range(int(res.__len__()*0.3)):
print(res[i],'Percentage:',res[i][0]/self._totalWrodCount,'keyword+text number (you can go to commons/xml2dict.py and run it):' , self._wordPosList[res[i][0]])
print("lexical statistics": res)の結果を実行します。
Lexical statistics: [('n ', 1755), ('nr ', 412), ('v ', 337), ('ns ', 330), ('n n ', 313), ('j ', 216), ('vn ', 208), ('', 191), ('nt ', 142), ('n vn ', 134), ('nz ', 128), ('l ', 110), ('n v ', 102), ('eng ', 77), ('v n ', 74), ('ns n ', 73), ('nrt ', 49), ('m ', 49), ('t ', 35), ('vn n ', 34), ('nrfg ', 33), ('a ', 27), ('a n ', 25), ('nr n ', 24), ('j n ', 21), ('b n ', 20), ('v v ', 18), ('i ', 18), ('v vn ', 15), ('uv nr ', 13), ('d ', 12), ('m n ', 12), ('n nr ', 12), ('vn vn ', 11), ('ns v ', 11), ('n j ', 10), ('nz n ', 10), ('n an ', 10), ('n l ', 9), ('an ', 9), ('n ad ', 8), ('n ns ', 8), ('n n n n ', 8), ('n n n n ', 8), ('f j ', 8), ('b v ', 8), ('v vn vn ', 8), ('b ', 7), ('a j ', 7), ('nr v ', 7), ('ns vn ', 7), ('q n ', 7), ('eng n ', 6), ('nrt nr ', 6), ('ns nr ', 5), ('m m ', 5), ('nr nrt ', 5), ('nr ns ', 5), ('n a ', 5), ('nz v ', 5), ('ns ns ns ', 4), ('p m v ', 4), ('n zg ', 4), (' m t ', 4), ('s n ', 4), ('m ns ', 4), ('f n ', 4), ('t n ', 4), ('x m ', 4), ('v j ', 4), ('n t ', 4), ('vn v ', 4), ('ns nt ', 4), ('nr nr ', 3), ('n q ', 3), ('ns a n ', 3), ('ns a ', 3), ('n g ', 3), ('d n ', 3), ('nr nz ', 3), ('n nz ', 3), ('m a ', 3), ('n nt ', 3), ('ns n n ', 3), ('ns n n ', 3), ('ns nz ', 3), ('ns j ', 2), ('v nt ', 2), ('f n q ', 2), ('ns eng ', 2), ('a uj v ', 2), ('zg v ', 2), ('n b n ', 2), ('l vn ', 2), ('v nz ', 2), ('n eng ', 2), ('nr m ', 2), ('vn a ', 2), ('r n ', 2), ('n m ', 2), ('q ', 2), ('nz vn ', 2), ('d v ', 2), ('p m vn ' , 2), ('s vn ', 2), ('nrt n ', 2), ('nr m ng ', 2), ('n c ', 2), ('a vn ', 2), ('b v n ', 2), ('ad v ', 2), ('n vn n ', 2), ('s v ', 2), ('n v n ', 2), ('n v n ', 2), ('n n v n ', 2), ('n n vn ', 2), ('n n vn ', 2), ('n f vn ', 2), (' i n ', 2), ('q v ', 2), ('vn m ', 2), ('b n vn ', 2), ('v uj nrt p ', 2), ('n ns nt ', 1), ('ns n x ', 1), ('p nr n ', 1), ('a ns n ', 1), ('a m ', 1), ('nz l ', 1), ('nt n ', 1), ('l n ' , 1), ('zg m ', 1), ('n ns x nr v ', 1), ('ng d ', 1), ('v nr ', 1), ('f vn ', 1), ('f n n ', 1), ('v v zg ', 1), ('zg nz ', 1), ('ns nrt ', 1), ('z r n ', 1), ('nz m t ', 1), ('an a ul ', 1), ('n u n ', 1), ('m g ', 1), ('a t ', 1), ('nrt
2. エラーの理由
置換 print(res[i],'Percentage:',res[i][1]/self._totalWrodCount,'keyword+text number (you can go to commons/xml2dict.py and run it to see):' , self._wordPosList[res[i][0]) in res[i][1] /self._totalWrodCount for res[i][0]/self._totalWrodCount, 'キーワード+テキスト番号(commons/xml2dict.pyにアクセスすれば分かります)' , self._wordPosList[self][0]) _totalWrodCountはエラーを報告します、理由は完全に単語のリストを理解していない、リストは、タプルで構成されているので、ここでは説明としてタプルの知識を使用する必要があります、タプル名[0]は、タプルの最初の値へのアクセス、および[1]はタプルへのアクセスを意味します 2番目の値、ここでiは、範囲()関数のiである。独自の理解では、語彙の様々なを参照することです、res[i][1]は、特定の語彙の下で統計情報を参照するなど、('n ', 1755)、res[0][1]は最初の0 nの指定語彙は、型はstr、後半1このタプル1755でnの統計数です、その型はint、そう時res[i][0]で置き換えられます型エラーが発生することです
3. 個人的なまとめ
AttributeError: 'module' オブジェクトには 'SSL_ST_INIT' という属性がありません。
Python error TypeError: must be str, not bytes
TypeError: JSONオブジェクトは'TextIOWrapper'ではなく'str'である必要があります。
Python3-ValueError:not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)
python error AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'tolist'.
Pythonライブラリ問題初級編 - 解決策:numpy frombuffer - AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__buffer__'
nginxです。[emerg] への bind() に失敗しました (98: アドレスは既に使用中です)
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