1. ホーム
  2. マイスル


2022-02-27 05:24:41


1: 新しいリンクを取得する時期かどうかは、どのように判断するのですか?
A: デフォルトのルールでは、連結はデータベース接続に対応し、同じリンクを同じ連結で返すこと、つまり連結IDをリンク保存時のキーにすることが望ましいとされています。

接続を取得するとき、使用中の接続を他のプロセスに投げることはできません。さもなければ、データが混乱する危険があります。データベース接続オブジェクトを取得するとき、接続は使用中としてマークされるべきで、プロセスの終了時にアイドルとしてマークされるべきです(コールバック関数を登録する Coroutine::defer )。




Pseudo-code for database connection pool implementation of * swoole
class DbPool {

    private $maxNum;
    private $minNum;
    private $unUseChannel=null; //Save idle available database links Channel, implemented by swoole Channel, can block and wait
    private $useChannel=null; //Save the database links that are already in use
    private static $install=null;

    private function __construct($config)

     private function init($config){

         //todo process configuration,generate
         $this->unUseChannel = new Channel($this->maxNum + 8);
         $this->useChannel = [];
         //Enable timed task checking


    //initialize the database link
    private function initConent($min){
        if (!empty($this->unUseChannel)){
            for ($i=0;$i<$min;$i++){
                $connect=new Connect();

     //initialize registration
     public static function register($config){
         if (!empty(self::$install)){
             return false;
       return self::$install=new static($config);

     //return connection pool instance
     public static function getInstant(){
         if (empty(self::$install)){
             //not registered
           return false;

         return self::$install;

    //Timed task to check available links swoole timer to implement timed task
    private function checkItems(){
        //check every 5s
        Timer::tick(5*1000,function (){
            //exceeds the number of
            if ($dels>0){
                for ($i=0;$i<$dels;$i++){
                    //close the connection


    // return an available link
    public function getConnect(){
        //Get the current concatenation id
        // determine whether the current process already has a link, and the link is available
        if (!empty($this->useChannel[$cid])&&$this->useChannel[$cid]->status==1){
       		 return $this->useChannel[$cid];

        // determine if a new link is to be created
        if (count($this->useChannel)<$this->maxNum&&$this->unUseChannel->length()==0){
             $connect=new Connect();
            return $connect;

        //Get one from the idle queue
        //Channel->pop(float $timeout = 0) : mixed;
        //return value can be any type of PHP variable, including anonymous functions and resources
        //Channel and close when the execution fails to return false
        //$timeout specifies the timeout, floating point, in seconds, minimum granularity is milliseconds, no producer push data within the specified time, will return false

        //register the concurrent close callback
        if (!empty($connect)){
            return $connect;
            throw new Exception("get connect time out");


    //recycle the link, called when the concurrent thread is closed
    private function recycleConnect($cid){
        if (!empty($connect)&&$connect->status==1){
            return true;

        return false;

    //register the callback function for closing the concurrent process, swoole Coroutine implementation
    public function defer($cid){
        Coroutine::defer(function () use ($cid) {
