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  2. OpenCV

OpenCV-Butterworth ローパスおよびハイパスフィルタ (C++)

2022-02-11 07:14:06

著者 スティーブン・ザイ ティエンバオ
著作権について 著作権は著者に帰属します。商業的な複製は著者に、非商業的な複製は出典を明記してください。



       スペクトルにおいて、低周波は主に滑らかな領域の画像全体の階調分布に対応し、高周波はエッジやノイズなど画像の細かい部分に対応することはよく知られている。バターワースフィルタは、最大フラットフィルタと呼ばれる。通過帯域ではリップルのない最大にフラットな周波数応答曲線を描き、停止帯域では徐々に減少してゼロになるのが特徴で、公式や具体的な原理はもはや記載されていません、Baiduはすべて持っています、次は難しいところですが、C++ & OpenCVのコード実装です。


// Butterworth low-pass filter kernel function
cv::Mat butterworth_low_kernel(cv::Mat &scr, float sigma, int n)
	cv::Mat butterworth_low_pass(scr.size(), CV_32FC1); //, CV_32FC1
	float D0 = sigma;// the smaller the radius D0, the larger the blur; the larger the radius D0, the smaller the blur
	for (int i = 0; i < scr.rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < scr.cols; j++) {
			float d = sqrt(pow(float(i - scr.rows / 2), 2) + pow(float(j - scr.cols / 2), 2));//numerator, compute pow must be float type
			butterworth_low_pass.at<float>(i, j) = 1.0f / (1.0f + pow(d / D0, 2 * n));
	return butterworth_low_pass;

// Butterworth low-pass filtering
cv::Mat butterworth_low_pass_filter(cv::Mat &src, float d0, int n)
	// H = 1 / (1+(D/D0)^2n) n denotes the number of Butterworth filters
	// order n=1 no ringing and negative order n=2 slight ringing and negative order n=5 significant ringing and negative order n=20 similar to ILPF
	cv::Mat padded = image_make_border(src);
	cv::Mat butterworth_kernel = butterworth_low_kernel(padded, d0, n);
	cv::Mat result = frequency_filter(padded, butterworth_kernel);
	return result;

// Butterworth high-pass filtering kernel function
cv::Mat butterworth_high_kernel(cv::Mat &scr, float sigma, int n)
	cv::Mat butterworth_high_pass(scr.size(), CV_32FC1); //, CV_32FC1
	float D0 = (float)sigma; // the smaller the radius D0, the larger the blur; the larger the radius D0, the smaller the blur
	for (int i = 0; i < scr.rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < scr.cols; j++) {
			float d = sqrt(pow(float(i - scr.rows / 2), 2) + pow(float(j - scr.cols / 2), 2));//numerator, compute pow must be float type
			butterworth_high_pass.at<float>(i, j) = 1.0f-1.0f / (1.0f + pow(d / D0, 2 * n));
	return butterworth_high_pass;

// Butterworth high pass filtering
cv::Mat butterworth_high_pass_filter(cv::Mat &src, float d0, int n)
	cv::Mat padded = image_make_border(src);
	cv::Mat butterworth_kernel = butterworth_high_kernel(padded, d0, n);
	cv::Mat result = frequency_filter(padded, butterworth_kernel);
	return result;

// Frequency filtering
cv::Mat frequency_filter(cv::Mat &scr, cv::Mat &blur)
	cv::Mat mask = scr == scr;
	scr.setTo(0.0f, ~mask);

	//create channel, store real and imaginary parts after dft (CV_32F, must be a single channel number)
	cv::Mat plane[] = { scr.clone(), cv::Mat::zeros(scr.size() , CV_32FC1) };

	cv::Mat complexIm;
	cv::merge(plane, 2, complexIm); // merge channels (merge two matrices into a 2-channel Mat-like container)
	cv::dft(complexIm, complexIm); // perform Fourier transform and save the result in itself

	// separate channels (array separation)
	cv::split(complexIm, plane);

	// The following operation is frequency domain migration
	fftshift(plane[0], plane[1]);

	// product of ***************** filter function and DFT result ****************
	cv::Mat blur_r, blur_i, BLUR;
	cv::multiply(plane[0], blur, blur_r); // filter (real part multiplied by the corresponding element of the filter template)
	cv::multiply(plane[1], blur, blur_i); // filter (the imaginary part is multiplied by the corresponding element of the filter template)
	cv::Mat plane1[] = { blur_r, blur_i };

	// move back again for inversion
	fftshift(plane1[0], plane1[1]);
	cv::merge(plane1, 2, BLUR); // merge the real part with the imaginary part

	cv::idft(BLUR, BLUR); // idft also results in a complex number
	BLUR = BLUR / BLUR.rows / BLUR.cols;

	cv::split(BLUR, plane); // separate channels, mainly to get channels

	return plane[0];

// Image boundary processing
cv::Mat image_make_border(cv::Mat &src)
	int w = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(src.cols); // Get the optimal width of the DFT transform
	int h = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(src.rows); // get the optimal height of the DFT transformation

	cv::Mat padded;
	// constant method to expand image boundaries, constant = 0
	cv::copyMakeBorder(src, padded, 0, h - src.rows, 0, w - src.cols, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar::all(0));
	padded.convertTo(padded, CV_32FC1);

	return padded;

// implement the grid function of the frequency domain filter
void getcart(int rows, int cols, cv::Mat &x, cv::Mat &y) {
	x.create(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
	y.create(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
	// set the boundaries

	// calculate the values of other positions
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
		if (i <= rows / 2) {
			x.row(i) = i;
		else {
			x.row(i) = i - rows;
	for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
		if (i <= cols / 2) {
			y.col(i) = i;
		else {
			y.col(i) = i - cols;

// fft transform followed by spectrum shift
void fftshift(cv::Mat &plane0, cv::Mat &plane1)
	// The following operation moves the image (zero frequency shift to the center)
	int cx = plane0.cols / 2;
	int cy = plane0.rows / 2;
	cv::Mat part1_r(plane0, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // element coordinates are represented as (cx, cy)
	cv::Mat part2_r(plane0, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part3_r(plane0, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part4_r(plane0, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));

	cv::Mat temp;
	part1_r.copyTo(temp); //swap top-left and bottom-right positions (real part)

	part2_r.copyTo(temp); //exchange position between top-right and bottom-left (real part)

	cv::Mat part1_i(plane1, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); //element coordinates (cx,cy)
	cv::Mat part2_i(plane1, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part3_i(plane1, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part4_i(plane1, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));

	part1_i.copyTo(temp); //swap top-left and bottom-right positions (imaginary part)

	part2_i.copyTo(temp); //exchange position between upper right and lower left (imaginary part)


using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

cv::Mat butterworth_low_kernel(cv::Mat &scr, float sigma, int n);
cv::Mat butterworth_low_pass_filter(cv::Mat &src, float d0, int n);
cv::Mat butterworth_high_kernel(cv::Mat &scr, float sigma, int n);
cv::Mat butterworth_high_pass_filter(cv::Mat &src, float d0, int n);
cv::Mat frequency_filter(cv::Mat &scr, cv::Mat &blur);
cv::Mat image_make_border(cv::Mat &src);
void fftshift(cv::Mat &plane0, cv::Mat &plane1);
void getcart(int rows, int cols, cv::Mat &x, cv::Mat &y);
Mat powZ(cv::InputArray src, double power);
Mat sqrtZ(cv::InputArray src);

int main(void)
	Mat test = imread("tangsan.jpg", 0);
	float D0 = 50.0f;
	float D1 = 5.0f;
	Mat lowpass = butterworth_low_pass_filter(test, D0,2);
	Mat highpass = butterworth_high_pass_filter(test, D1, 2);

	imshow("original", test);
	imshow("low pass", lowpass / 255); // lowpass data are relatively large, 0-255, imshow for float type Mat display need to divide by 255
	imshow("high pass", highpass / 255); // highpass data are relatively large, 0-255, imshow for the float type Mat display need to divide by 255

	return 0;

// Butterworth low-pass filter kernel function
cv::Mat butterworth_low_kernel(cv::Mat &scr, float sigma, int n)
	cv::Mat butterworth_low_pass(scr.size(), CV_32FC1); //, CV_32FC1
	float D0 = sigma;// the smaller the radius D0, the larger the blur; the larger the radius D0, the smaller the blur
	for (int i = 0; i < scr.rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < scr.cols; j++) {
			float d = sqrt(pow(float(i - scr.rows / 2), 2) + pow(float(j - scr.cols / 2), 2));//numerator, compute pow must be float type
			butterworth_low_pass.at<float>(i, j) = 1.0f / (1.0f + pow(d / D0, 2 * n));
	return butterworth_low_pass;

// Butterworth low-pass filtering
cv::Mat butterworth_low_pass_filter(cv::Mat &src, float d0, int n)
	// H = 1 / (1+(D/D0)^2n) n denotes the number of Butterworth filters
	// order n=1 no ringing and negative order n=2 slight ringing and negative order n=5 significant ringing and negative order n=20 similar to ILPF
	cv::Mat padded = image_make_border(src);
	cv::Mat butterworth_kernel = butterworth_low_kernel(padded, d0, n);
	cv::Mat result = frequency_filter(padded, butterworth_kernel);
	return result;

// Butterworth high-pass filtering kernel function
cv::Mat butterworth_high_kernel(cv::Mat &scr, float sigma, int n)
	cv::Mat butterworth_high_pass(scr.size(), CV_32FC1); //, CV_32FC1
	float D0 = (float)sigma; // the smaller the radius D0, the larger the blur; the larger the radius D0, the smaller the blur
	for (int i = 0; i < scr.rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < scr.cols; j++) {
			float d = sqrt(pow(float(i - scr.rows / 2), 2) + pow(float(j - scr.cols / 2), 2));//numerator, compute pow must be float type
			butterworth_high_pass.at<float>(i, j) = 1.0f-1.0f / (1.0f + pow(d / D0, 2 * n));
	return butterworth_high_pass;

// Butterworth high pass filtering
cv::Mat butterworth_high_pass_filter(cv::Mat &src, float d0, int n)
	cv::Mat padded = image_make_border(src);
	cv::Mat butterworth_kernel = butterworth_high_kernel(padded, d0, n);
	cv::Mat result = frequency_filter(padded, butterworth_kernel);
	return result;

// Frequency filtering
cv::Mat frequency_filter(cv::Mat &scr, cv::Mat &blur)
	cv::Mat mask = scr == scr;
	scr.setTo(0.0f, ~mask);

	//create channel, store real and imaginary parts after dft (CV_32F, must be a single channel number)
	cv::Mat plane[] = { scr.clone(), cv::Mat::zeros(scr.size() , CV_32FC1) };

	cv::Mat complexIm;
	cv::merge(plane, 2, complexIm); // merge channels (merge two matrices into a 2-channel Mat-like container)
	cv::dft(complexIm, complexIm); // perform Fourier transform and save the result in itself

	// separate channels (array separation)
	cv::split(complexIm, plane);

	// The following operation is a frequency domain migration
	fftshift(plane[0], plane[1]);

	// product of ***************** filter function and DFT result ****************
	cv::Mat blur_r, blur_i, BLUR;
	cv::multiply(plane[0], blur, blur_r); // filter (real part multiplied by the corresponding element of the filter template)
	cv::multiply(plane[1], blur, blur_i); // filter (the imaginary part is multiplied by the corresponding element of the filter template)
	cv::Mat plane1[] = { blur_r, blur_i };

	// move back again for inversion
	fftshift(plane1[0], plane1[1]);
	cv::merge(plane1, 2, BLUR); // merge the real part with the imaginary part

	cv::idft(BLUR, BLUR); // idft also results in a complex number
	BLUR = BLUR / BLUR.rows / BLUR.cols;

	cv::split(BLUR, plane); // separate channels, mainly to get channels

	return plane[0];

// Image boundary processing
cv::Mat image_make_border(cv::Mat &src)
	int w = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(src.cols); // Get the optimal width of the DFT transform
	int h = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(src.rows); // Get the optimal height of the DFT transformation

	cv::Mat padded;
	// constant method to expand image boundaries, constant = 0
	cv::copyMakeBorder(src, padded, 0, h - src.rows, 0, w - src.cols, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar::all(0));
	padded.convertTo(padded, CV_32FC1);

	return padded;

// implement the grid function of the frequency domain filter
void getcart(int rows, int cols, cv::Mat &x, cv::Mat &y) {
	x.create(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
	y.create(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
	// set the boundaries

	// calculate the values of other positions
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
		if (i <= rows / 2) {
			x.row(i) = i;
		else {
			x.row(i) = i - rows;
	for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
		if (i <= cols / 2) {
			y.col(i) = i;
		else {
			y.col(i) = i - cols;

// fft transform followed by spectrum shift
void fftshift(cv::Mat &plane0, cv::Mat &plane1)
	// The following operation moves the image (zero frequency shift to the center)
	int cx = plane0.cols / 2;
	int cy = plane0.rows / 2;
	cv::Mat part1_r(plane0, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // element coordinates are represented as (cx, cy)
	cv::Mat part2_r(plane0, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part3_r(plane0, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part4_r(plane0, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));

	cv::Mat temp;
	part1_r.copyTo(temp); //swap top-left and bottom-right positions (real part)

	part2_r.copyTo(temp); //exchange position between top-right and bottom-left (real part)

	cv::Mat part1_i(plane1, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); //element coordinates (cx,cy)
	cv::Mat part2_i(plane1, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part3_i(plane1, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat part4_i(plane1, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));

	part1_i.copyTo(temp); //swap top-left and bottom-right positions (imaginary part)

	part2_i.copyTo(temp); //exchange position between upper right and lower left (imaginary part)

Mat powZ(cv::InputArray src, double power) {
	cv::Mat dst;
	cv::pow(src, power, dst);
	return dst;

Mat sqrtZ(cv::InputArray src) {
	cv::Mat dst;
	cv::sqrt(src, dst);
	return dst;


図1 レンダリング


