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[解決済み] フォルダ内のファイルをループする Node.JS

2023-01-10 02:34:54



var dirname = 'C:/FolderwithFiles';
console.log("Going to get file info!");
fs.stat(dirname, function (err, stats) {
    if (err) {
        return console.error(err);
    console.log("Got file info successfully!");

    // Check file type
    console.log("isFile ? " + stats.isFile());
    console.log("isDirectory ? " + stats.isDirectory());



あなたは fs.readdir 関数を使用してディレクトリの内容を取得し fs.rename 関数で実際にリネームを行います。これらの関数は両方とも、もし が必要な場合は が必要な場合は、同期バージョンもあります。


var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
// In newer Node.js versions where process is already global this isn't necessary.
var process = require("process");

var moveFrom = "/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme";
var moveTo = "/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/tome"

// Loop through all the files in the temp directory
fs.readdir(moveFrom, function (err, files) {
  if (err) {
    console.error("Could not list the directory.", err);

  files.forEach(function (file, index) {
    // Make one pass and make the file complete
    var fromPath = path.join(moveFrom, file);
    var toPath = path.join(moveTo, file);

    fs.stat(fromPath, function (error, stat) {
      if (error) {
        console.error("Error stating file.", error);

      if (stat.isFile())
        console.log("'%s' is a file.", fromPath);
      else if (stat.isDirectory())
        console.log("'%s' is a directory.", fromPath);

      fs.rename(fromPath, toPath, function (error) {
        if (error) {
          console.error("File moving error.", error);
        } else {
          console.log("Moved file '%s' to '%s'.", fromPath, toPath);


node testme.js 
'/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/hello' is a file.
'/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test' is a directory.
'/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test2' is a directory.
'/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test23' is a directory.
'/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test234' is a directory.
Moved file '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/hello' to '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/tome/hello'.
Moved file '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test' to '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/tome/test'.
Moved file '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test2' to '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/tome/test2'.
Moved file '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test23' to '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/tome/test23'.
Moved file '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/moveme/test234' to '/home/mike/dev/node/sonar/tome/test234'.

更新: fs.promiseのasync/awaitを用いた関数群

ma11hew28 の回答に触発され ( ここに示されている ) に触発されて、以下は上記と同じものですが、非同期関数を fs.promises . ma11hew28 が指摘したように、これにはメモリ制限があるかもしれません。 fs.promises.opendir に対してメモリ制限があるかもしれません。


//jshint esversion:8
//jshint node:true
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'path' );

const moveFrom = "/tmp/movefrom";
const moveTo = "/tmp/moveto";

// Make an async function that gets executed immediately
(async ()=>{
    // Our starting point
    try {
        // Get the files as an array
        const files = await fs.promises.readdir( moveFrom );

        // Loop them all with the new for...of
        for( const file of files ) {
            // Get the full paths
            const fromPath = path.join( moveFrom, file );
            const toPath = path.join( moveTo, file );

            // Stat the file to see if we have a file or dir
            const stat = await fs.promises.stat( fromPath );

            if( stat.isFile() )
                console.log( "'%s' is a file.", fromPath );
            else if( stat.isDirectory() )
                console.log( "'%s' is a directory.", fromPath );

            // Now move async
            await fs.promises.rename( fromPath, toPath );

            // Log because we're crazy
            console.log( "Moved '%s'->'%s'", fromPath, toPath );
        } // End for...of
    catch( e ) {
        // Catch anything bad that happens
        console.error( "We've thrown! Whoops!", e );

})(); // Wrap in parenthesis and call now