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2022-01-12 11:13:21


Canvas のテキストを水平または垂直の線形グラデーションで塗りつぶすのは簡単ですが、角度のあるグラデーションははるかに複雑です。 W .








  1. まず、始点と終点の長さ(距離)を求めます。
  2. 長さとテキスト矩形の中心点の座標から、始点と終点の座標をそれぞれ算出する。

直線勾配の長さの計算 W3Cでは計算式(角度はA)が示されています。




X, Y





だから gradientLineLength = abs(W * sin(A)) + abs(H * cos(A)) です。

三角形の二乗の公式から、次のことがわかる。 gradientLineLength = abs(W * cos(A)) + abs(H * sin(A)) // Half length. halfGradientLineLength = (abs(W * cos(A)) + abs(H * sin(A))) / 2 を代入すると

c1 + c2


cos(A) * cos(A) = 1 - sin(A) * sin(A)


c1 + c2

{{コード After the first simplification step. The end result is. because sin, cos has negative values within the period of the function (see the graph of the trigonometric period corresponding to the angle below), the length of the linear asymptote needs to take absolute values. At this point, we know the linear asymptote length, and the coordinates of the center point of the text rectangle are well calculated, i.e. centerX = X + W / 2 centerY = Y + H / 2 So, the coordinates of the starting point and the ending point are respectively startX = centerX - cos(A) * halfGradientLineLength startY = centerY + sin(A) * halfGradientLineLength endX = centerX + cos(A) * halfGradientLineLength endY = centerY - sin(A) * halfGradientLineLength Look at the final result Experience notes When performing trigonometric calculations, you should try to avoid starting with tan , because tan has infinite values within its period, a specific conditional judgment is required, and sin, cos There is no such problem, the code is more concise and clear and does not inadvertently generate errors, see the following diagram of trigonometric functions and angles corresponding to the period. see Do you really know CSS linear-gradients? MDN linear-gradient W3C - CSS Images Module Level 3 # linear-gradients This article on Canvas text fill linear gradients is all about this. For more information about Canvas text fill linear gradients, please search the previous articles or continue to browse the following related articles.


sin, cos

centerX = X + W / 2 centerY = Y + H / 2

startX = centerX - cos(A) * halfGradientLineLength
startY = centerY + sin(A) * halfGradientLineLength

endX = centerX + cos(A) * halfGradientLineLength
endY = centerY - sin(A) * halfGradientLineLength


{{コード エクスペリエンスノート

{{コード sin, cos {{コード {{コード

centerX = X + W / 2 centerY = Y + H / 2

{{コード 見る

{{コード CSSのlinear-gradientsを本当に知っていますか?

So, the coordinates of the starting point and the ending point are respectively
startX = centerX - cos(A) * halfGradientLineLength
startY = centerY + sin(A) * halfGradientLineLength

endX = centerX + cos(A) * halfGradientLineLength
endY = centerY - sin(A) * halfGradientLineLength

Look at the final result