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  2. java

[解決済み] /* ...*/ と /** ...*/ の違いは何ですか?*/

2022-02-01 12:25:02



/* Eclipse prints it in green 


/** Eclipse prints it in blue



* It is multi-line comment in Java

* It is a Javadoc. Can be found above methods and Class definitions.

以下はその抜粋です。 ウィキペディア Javadocに関して。


Javadoc のコメントは、標準的な複数行のコメントによってコードから分離されます。 というタグがあります。開始タグ(begin-comment delimiterと呼ばれます)には のようにアスタリスクを追加します。

The first paragraph is a description of the method documented.
Following the description are a varying number of descriptive tags, signifying:
    The parameters of the method (@param)
    What the method returns (@return)
    Any exceptions the method may throw (@throws)
    Other less-common tags such as @see (a "see also" tag)


 * @author      Firstname Lastname <address @ example.com>
 * @version     1.6                 (current version number of program)
 * @since       2010-03-31          (the version of the package this class was first added to)
public class Test {
    // class body


 * Short one line description.                           
 * <p>
 * Longer description. If there were any, it would be    
 * here.
 * <p>
 * And even more explanations to follow in consecutive
 * paragraphs separated by HTML paragraph breaks.
 * @param  variable Description text text text.          
 * @return Description text text text.
public int methodName (...) {
    // method body with a return statement