2022-01-21 21:17:44
1. HTMLの概要
1.HTML。Hypertext Markup Language(ハイパーテキストマークアップランゲージ)。マークアップ言語であり、ノンプログラミング言語であり、論理演算は使えない。タグによってWeb上の文書の形式を統一し、散在するWebリソースを論理的に結びつけて全体を構成する。
tag:タグ など、<>で包まれた一定の意味を持つコンテンツ。 ...
2. HTMLタグの構造
1. 文書構造。
.top-info {
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
bottom: -30rpx;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0 20rpx;
2. 共通タグです。
.top-info {
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
bottom: -30rpx;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0 20rpx;
4. タグ属性:
<! -- tag attributes:
1. usually consists of attribute name="attribute value"
2. serve the purpose of additional information.
3. Not all tags have attributes, such as the br tag -->
The following title class is the attribute name, and the following is the attribute value
<p title="paragraph" class="content" id="content"> This is a test paragraph</p>
5. その他のタグ :
<! --text formatting tags: is to beautify the appearance of text by tags ->
<! -1.b and strong: both have a bolding effect, and both are line-level tags (no automatic line breaks).
But strong also has an emphasis role. Note: emphasis is mainly used in SEO to facilitate advance keywords -->
<strong> bolded and emphasized</strong>
<! -2 i and em: make the text slanted, em has an emphasis role. And both are line level tags (no automatic line break).
If it's just a simple tilt effect, use the i tag, such as adding icons, etc.-->
<em> tilt and emphasize</em>
<! -3.pre preformatted text, preserving line breaks and spaces and width.
The text will be one size smaller, block-level tags (which will occupy a separate line in the browser) -->
pre preformatted
text, preserving line breaks and spaces and width
and width
<! --samll and big to shrink or enlarge text by one (line-level tags, which do not occupy a separate line and do not recognize width and height) -->
<! -- the minimum font size supported by the browser is 12px, displaying text smaller than 12px will require processing -->
<p> I am normal</p>
<small> I'm one size smaller text</small>
<! --sub and sup: set text to subscript and superscript, used to adjust the baseline for normal text display, and the text will automatically be one size smaller -->
<p>Normal display:X1+X2=Y</p>
Strikeout <del></del> <s></s>
underscore <ins></ins> <u></u>
Escape characters: space < less than sign >greater than sign
6. フォームタグとフォームタグ
Table tag structure: Role: Display Show data
<table> <! --table-tags-->
<th> </th> Table header cells
<td></td> cell
</tr> rows
align left center right align
border border cellpadding distance between text and cell cellspacing distance between cells width
Table structure labels
<thead></thead> table header area
<tbody></tbody> main body area
Merge cells:Merge across rows:rowspan rows and rows Merge across columns:colspan columns and columns
Merge code:cross row:in the topmost cell for the target cell, write the merge code
across columns: in the leftmost cell for the target cell, write the merge code
Cross-row or cross-column steps:
1. Determine whether cross-row or cross-column 2. find the target cell 3. delete the extra cells
7. フォームラベル
Form tag: Main purpose: collect user information
The form consists of a form field Form controls (elements) Prompt messages
form field implements user information transfer <form action="" method=""></form>
action followed by the address method submit method name name
input input form element:
<input type="text">
type attribute value:text text password password button ridio radio box() checkbox(multi-select button).....
submit(submit button, submit the form value to the server) reset clear all data from the form
button normal button use with js file upload file
name property: the name of the form element, the radio button must have the same name to be able to multi-select 1
radio button and checkbox should have the same name
value attribute Define value
Every element should have one, mainly for the backend staff to use
checked For both radio and multi-select, selected by default when the page is opened
maxlength Maximum length
select drop-down form element
Usage scenario: there are multiple options and you want to save space <select name="" id="">
<option value=""></option>
select contains at least one option The attribute selected = selected in the option for default selection
<label for=""></label> Usage scenario for and form elements with the same id attribute correspond to each other
textarea text field form element when there is a lot of input text
<textarea><textarea> generally specify the length by css
詳細 HTMLフォントはline-heightを使用して、まだ垂直方向の中央に配置することができません解決策
Element UIでオートサイズテキストエリアの高さを設定する方法
html フォーム入力で無効化されたソリューションを使用した後、フォームの値を取得することができない
input type=text value=str で不完全な解答を得る。
HTMLウェイトレス ウェブページのHTMLマークアップを効率化する
nginxです。[emerg] への bind() に失敗しました (98: アドレスは既に使用中です)
純粋なhtml + cssで五輪を実現するサンプルコード
html css3 伸縮しない 画像表示効果
html+css 実装 サイバーパンク風ボタン