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dockerインストール後のhello-worldのテストの問題(ローカルにイメージ 'hello-world:latest' を見つけることができない)。

2022-03-03 09:34:39
After installing docker, testing the hello-world image, the terminal is stuck at Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally 

docker does not find the hello-world image locally, nor does it pull the image from the docker repository, the reason for this problem: it should be because the docker server is abroad, and we can't pull the image properly in China.
can not pull the mirror properly, so we need to set up the domestic Aliyun mirror gas pedal for docker.
We need to modify the configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json as follows

"registry-mirrors": ["https://alzgoonw.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] 

Add the Aliyun image address to the configuration file daemmon,json, save and exit, and restart the docker service (systemctl restart docker)

After the docker restart, the helloworld image is pulled normally


docker does not find the hello-world image locally, nor does it pull the image from the docker repository, the reason for this problem: it should be because the docker server is abroad, and we can't pull the image properly in China.
can not pull the mirror properly, so we need to set up the domestic Aliyun mirror gas pedal for docker.
We need to modify the configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json as follows

"registry-mirrors": ["https://alzgoonw.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] 


Add the Aliyun image address to the configuration file daemmon,json, save and exit, and restart the docker service (systemctl restart docker)


After the docker restart, the helloworld image is pulled normally
