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  3. CSS


2022-01-13 07:01:29

今日のショップ ブログサイト -- shoptalkshow と、このとても興味深いインターフェイスを目にしました。






ボーダーというと、まず思い浮かぶのは border よりも頻繁に使用します。 {コード と {コード 上図では solid .

に加え、最も一般的な dashed があります。 {コード {コード また、CSSボーダーもサポートしています。 dashed と {コード {コード , {コード {コード {コード , {{コードダブル solid /code , {コード {コード {コード {{コード {{コード {{コード {{コード {{コード

{{コード {{コード dashed

{{コード {{コード none

{{コード {{コード {{コード

{{コード {{コード {{コード

{{コード {{コード hidden

{{コード {{コード {{コード dotted double


ridge ridge inset , outset and so on. Except for the none and hidden and look at all the natively supported border styles: OK, let's take a look at some additional interesting borders. Border length variation Let's start with a simpler one, implementing a border effect like this. Here it actually borrows two pseudo-elements from the element. The two pseudo-elements set only the top and left borders, and the bottom and right borders, respectively, via the hover to change the height and width of the two pseudo elements. Very well understood. div { position: relative; border: 1px solid #03A9F3; &::before, &::after { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; } &::before { top: -5px; left: -5px; border-top: 1px solid var(--borderColor); border-left: 1px solid var(--borderColor); } &::after { right: -5px; bottom: -5px; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--borderColor); border-right: 1px solid var(--borderColor); } &:hover::before, &:hover::after { width: calc(100% + 9px); height: calc(100% + 9px); } } CodePen Demo -- width border animation Next, it will start to get a little more difficult. Dashed border animation Use the dashed keyword, you can easily create dashed borders. div { border: 1px dashed #333; } The goal, of course, is to enable the border to move. Using the dashed keyword is not an option. But there are many ways to implement dashed lines in CSS, and a good way to do this is with gradients such as div { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x; background-size: 4px 1px; background-position: 0 0; } Look, the dashed line simulated using the gradient is as follows. Okay, the gradient supports multiple gradients, so we can represent all 4 sides of the container with a gradient. div { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(0deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-y, linear-gradient(0deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-y; background-size: 4px 1px, 4px 1px, 1px 4px, 1px 4px; background-position: 0 0, 0 100%, 0 0, 100% 0; } The effect is as follows. OK, at this point, we're actually halfway done with the dashed border animation. Although the border-style: dashed doesn't support animations, but gradients do. Let's give the above div another hover effect. hover is added when the animation animation that changes the element's bakcground-position will work. div:hover { animation: linearGradientMove .3s infinite linear; } @keyframes linearGradientMove { 100% { background-position: 4px 0, -4px 100%, 0 -4px, 100% 4px; } } OK, look at the effect, when the hover goes up, the border can move, because the whole animation is connected to the first and last, the infinite loop of the animation looks like the dashed border in motion all the time, this is a small blindfold or a small trick: the Here is another tip, if we want the dashed border animation to be animated from other borders, transition to the dashed border and then march through the animation. It is possible to simulate this entirely by fading, and if you want to save some code, use border would be faster, like this. div { border: 1px solid #333; &:hover { border: none; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(0deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-y, linear-gradient(0deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-y; background-size: 4px 1px, 4px 1px, 1px 4px, 1px 4px; background-position: 0 0, 0 100%, 0 0, 100% 0; } } Due to the difference in the position of border and background on the box model, there is a clear visual appearance of misalignment: the To solve this problem, we can set the border Replace with outline because outline can be set outline-offset . This solves the problem perfectly: the div { outline: 1px solid #333; outline-offset: -1px; &:hover { outline: none; } } Finally, see how it looks when applied to the actual button. The complete code for the above demo is as follows. CodePen Demo -- dashed border animation In fact, due to the special relationship between the background and the border, the border is used by modifying the background-position It is possible to solve this problem, but it is a bit more complicated. For more information about the relationship between background and border padding, see this article. Multiple ways to implement striped borders Other great uses of gradients The gradient can be used for more than just the above effects. Let's dig deeper into the gradient and use it to achieve a background like this. div { position: relative; &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 50% 50%, 50% 50%; background-position: 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%; background-image: linear-gradient(#399953, #399953), linear-gradient(#fbb300, #fbb300), linear-gradient(#d53e33, #d53e33), linear- gradient(#377af5, #377af5); } } Note that this graphic is generated using the pseudo-element of the element, and that the width and height are those of the parent element 200% and beyond that overflow: hidden . Next, add rotations to it: the div { animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } } See the effect of. Finally, a pseudo-element is used to mask out the middle and a Nice border animation comes out. The full code for the above demo is as follows, the effect I first saw from this author -- Jesse B CodePen Demo -- gradient border animation Change the color of the gradient After mastering the basic technique above, we can then make some adjustments to the color of the gradient, where we turn 4 colors into 1 color. div::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background-color: #fff; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 50% 50%; background-position: 0 0; background-image: linear-gradient(#399953, #399953); } Get a graph like this. Again, let it rotate together and a monochrome chase border animation comes out with. CodePen Demo -- gradient border animation 2 Wow, very nice looking. However, if it is a single line, there is an obvious flaw that the border ends with a small triangle instead of vertical, which may not work in some scenarios or may not be acceptable to the PM. So is there any way to get rid of these little triangles? Yes, in the following we introduce another way, using the clip-path to get rid of the little triangles. conic-gradient The great use of Introducing again clip-path before introducing the angular gradient. The main use of the above is the linear gradient linear-gradient . We use the angular gradient conic-gradient It's actually possible to achieve the exact same effect. Let's try using conic-gradient to do the same, this time in a darker style. The core code is as follows. .conic { position: relative; &::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background: conic-gradient(transparent, rgba(168, 239, 255, 1), transparent 30%); animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } } The renderings and schematics are as follows, rotating a partially angular gradient graphic, with the middle part masked using another pseudo-element, leaving out only the line part. CodePen Demo -- Rotating border 3 clip-path The great use of Another old friend clip-path It's always interesting to see what's going on. clip-path By itself, it is possible to animate coordinate points, transforming from one clip shape to another. Using this feature, we can subtly implement such a border-following effect. The pseudo-code is as follows. div { position: relative; &::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border: 2px solid gold; animation: clippath 3s infinite linear; } } @keyframes clippath { 0%, 100% { clip-path: inset(0 0 95% 0); } 25% { clip-path: inset(0 95% 0 0); } 50% { clip-path: inset(95% 0 0 0); } 75% { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 95%); } } Renderings together with schematics. CodePen - clip-path border animation Here, since the element will be cropped, it is enough to borrow the pseudo-element as a background to crop and animate, using the clip-path The advantage of this method is that the cut out border does not produce small triangles. Also, this method, which supports rounded corners border-radius of the If we use another pseudo-element as well, to actually implement a button style, we can get the effect of CodePen - clip-path border animation 2 overflow The beauty of The following trick uses overflow to achieve this. Implement a border animation like this. Why is the use of overflow to achieve? Post a diagram. CodePen Demo -- Using overflow and transform to achieve line hover effect Two core points. We use the overflow: hidden to hide an entire element that was outside the container Using the transform-origin which controls the center of rotation of the element Did you notice that almost all of the interesting CSS effects use a similar technique: the Simply put, we see a small part of the original animation, and we end up with only a part of the original phenomenon through specific cropping, transparency changes, masks, etc. border-image The great use of Using border-image , we can also implement some interesting border animations. Regarding the border-image there is a very good article on this - the The correct use of border-image This article does not go into much detail about the basic definitions. If we have a picture like this. Then you can use the border-image-slice and border-image-repeat to obtain a similar border pattern with the characteristics of div { width: 200px; height: 120px; border: 24px solid; border-image: url(image-url); border-image-slice: 32; border-image-repeat: round; } On top of this, the height and width of the element can be changed at will, so that it can be extended to any size container border. CodePen Demo -- border-image Demo Then, in this article -- How to Animate a SVG with border-image also explains a way to use the border-image which is a very cool border animation. Unlike the above example, we just need to make our pattern, move, that is, we need a background image like this (Blogland does not support SVG motion graphics, the The original image address ). Then, we also get the border image in motion, with exactly the same code, but with the border in motion:. CodePen Demo -- Dancing Skull Border border-image Using the gradient border-image In addition to the mapping references url it is also possible to fill colors or gradients directly. There is also a previous article on border-image article - the Cleverly implementing a gradient border with rounded corners We can use the border-image + filter + clip-path Rounded corners of the gradient transform are implemented. .border-image-clip-path { width: 200px; height: 100px; border: 10px solid; border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, gold, deeppink) 1; clip-path: inset(0px round 10px); animation: huerotate 6s infinite linear; filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } @keyframes huerotate { 0% { filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } 100% { filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } } CodePen Demo -- clip-path, border-image with filter for rounded gradient border Finally This article introduces some of the more interesting border animation tricks I think, but of course CSS produces a lot of interesting effects, so I won't go into them one by one for space. This article on CSS whimsical border animation effect is introduced here, more related css border animation content please search the home of the script previous articles or continue to browse the following related articles, I hope you support the home of the script more in the future!

{{コード ridge

{{コード {{コード

{{コード {{コード {{コード


{{コード {{コード Let's start with a simpler one, implementing a border effect like this.


{{コード div { position: relative; border: 1px solid #03A9F3; &::before, &::after { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; } &::before { top: -5px; left: -5px; border-top: 1px solid var(--borderColor); border-left: 1px solid var(--borderColor); } &::after { right: -5px; bottom: -5px; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--borderColor); border-right: 1px solid var(--borderColor); } &:hover::before, &:hover::after { width: calc(100% + 9px); height: calc(100% + 9px); } }

{{コード Use the dashed keyword, you can easily create dashed borders.

div {
    border: 1px dashed #333;

{{コード dashed

{{コード {{コード div { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x; background-size: 4px 1px; background-position: 0 0; } {{コード {{コード {{コード {{コード

Okay, the gradient supports multiple gradients, so we can represent all 4 sides of the container with a gradient.


{{コード {{コード OK, at this point, we're actually halfway done with the dashed border animation. Although the border-style: dashed doesn't support animations, but gradients do. Let's give the above div another hover effect. hover is added when the animation animation that changes the element's bakcground-position will work.

border-style: dashed

{{コード animation

{{コード {{コード div:hover { animation: linearGradientMove .3s infinite linear; } @keyframes linearGradientMove { 100% { background-position: 4px 0, -4px 100%, 0 -4px, 100% 4px; } } {{コード {{コード {{コード

OK, look at the effect, when the hover goes up, the border can move, because the whole animation is connected to the first and last, the infinite loop of the animation looks like the dashed border in motion all the time, this is a small blindfold or a small trick: the

{{コード Here is another tip, if we want the dashed border animation to be animated from other borders, transition to the dashed border and then march through the animation. It is possible to simulate this entirely by fading, and if you want to save some code, use border would be faster, like this.

{{コード div { border: 1px solid #333; &:hover { border: none; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(90deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-x, linear-gradient(0deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-y, linear-gradient(0deg, #333 50%, transparent 0) repeat-y; background-size: 4px 1px, 4px 1px, 1px 4px, 1px 4px; background-position: 0 0, 0 100%, 0 0, 100% 0; } }


{{コード {{コード border ストライプボーダーの複数の実装方法

{{コード {{コード


{{コード The gradient can be used for more than just the above effects.

Let's dig deeper into the gradient and use it to achieve a background like this.

div { position: relative; &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 50% 50%, 50% 50%; background-position: 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%; background-image: linear-gradient(#399953, #399953), linear-gradient(#fbb300, #fbb300), linear-gradient(#d53e33, #d53e33), linear- gradient(#377af5, #377af5); } }

{{コード div { position: relative; &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 50% 50%, 50% 50%; background-position: 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%; background-image: linear-gradient(#399953, #399953), linear-gradient(#fbb300, #fbb300), linear-gradient(#d53e33, #d53e33), linear- gradient(#377af5, #377af5); } }

{{コード 200%

overflow: hidden

{{コード div { animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } }

{{コード div { animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } }

{{コード Finally, a pseudo-element is used to mask out the middle and a Nice border animation comes out.

{{コード The full code for the above demo is as follows, the effect I first saw from this author -- Jesse B

{{コード After mastering the basic technique above, we can then make some adjustments to the color of the gradient, where we turn 4 colors into 1 color.

{{コード {{コード

{{コード div::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background-color: #fff; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 50% 50%; background-position: 0 0; background-image: linear-gradient(#399953, #399953); }

Get a graph like this.

Wow, very nice looking. However, if it is a single line, there is an obvious flaw that the border ends with a small triangle instead of vertical, which may not work in some scenarios or may not be acceptable to the PM.

{コード clip-path

{{コード conic-gradient

{{コード Introducing again clip-path before introducing the angular gradient.

{{コード clip-path

{{コード The main use of the above is the linear gradient linear-gradient . We use the angular gradient conic-gradient It's actually possible to achieve the exact same effect.

{{コード linear-gradient

{{コード {{コード conic-gradient

{{コード {{コード .conic { position: relative; &::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background: conic-gradient(transparent, rgba(168, 239, 255, 1), transparent 30%); animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } }

{{コード {{コード .conic { position: relative; &::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background: conic-gradient(transparent, rgba(168, 239, 255, 1), transparent 30%); animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } }

{{コード {{コード The renderings and schematics are as follows, rotating a partially angular gradient graphic, with the middle part masked using another pseudo-element, leaving out only the line part. {{コード

{{コード {{コード


{{コード Using this feature, we can subtly implement such a border-following effect. The pseudo-code is as follows.

{{コード div { position: relative; &::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border: 2px solid gold; animation: clippath 3s infinite linear; } } @keyframes clippath { 0%, 100% { clip-path: inset(0 0 95% 0); } 25% { clip-path: inset(0 95% 0 0); } 50% { clip-path: inset(95% 0 0 0); } 75% { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 95%); } }

{{コード {{コード div { position: relative; &::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border: 2px solid gold; animation: clippath 3s infinite linear; } } @keyframes clippath { 0%, 100% { clip-path: inset(0 0 95% 0); } 25% { clip-path: inset(0 95% 0 0); } 50% { clip-path: inset(95% 0 0 0); } 75% { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 95%); } }

{{コード {{コード

{{コード {{コード Here, since the element will be cropped, it is enough to borrow the pseudo-element as a background to crop and animate, using the clip-path The advantage of this method is that the cut out border does not produce small triangles. Also, this method, which supports rounded corners border-radius of the

{{コード clip-path


{{コード CodePen - clip-path border animation 2

{{コード overflow The beauty of

{{コード {{コード overflow {{コード


{{コード overflow

{{コード CodePen Demo -- Using overflow and transform to achieve line hover effect

{{コード {{コード We use the overflow: hidden to hide an entire element that was outside the container

{{コード Using the transform-origin which controls the center of rotation of the element

{{コード transform-origin

{{コード {{コード Simply put, we see a small part of the original animation, and we end up with only a part of the original phenomenon through specific cropping, transparency changes, masks, etc.

{{コード border-image

{{コード Using border-image , we can also implement some interesting border animations. Regarding the border-image there is a very good article on this - the The correct use of border-image This article does not go into much detail about the basic definitions.

{{コード border-image {コード


  • {{コード Then you can use the border-image-slice and border-image-repeat to obtain a similar border pattern with the characteristics of
  • {を使用します。 {コード {{コード border-image-slice

{{コード div { width: 200px; height: 120px; border: 24px solid; border-image: url(image-url); border-image-slice: 32; border-image-repeat: round; }

{{コード div { width: 200px; height: 120px; border: 24px solid; border-image: url(image-url); border-image-slice: 32; border-image-repeat: round; }

{{コード {{コード CodePen Demo -- border-image Demo

{{コード {{コード Then, in this article -- How to Animate a SVG with border-image also explains a way to use the border-image which is a very cool border animation. {{コード border-imageの正しい使い方


{{コード Then, we also get the border image in motion, with exactly the same code, but with the border in motion:.

{{コード {{コード border-image {{コード

In addition to the mapping references
it is also possible to fill colors or gradients directly.

{{コード We can use the border-image + filter + clip-path Rounded corners of the gradient transform are implemented.

{{コード border-image

{{コード clip-path

{{コード .border-image-clip-path { width: 200px; height: 100px; border: 10px solid; border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, gold, deeppink) 1; clip-path: inset(0px round 10px); animation: huerotate 6s infinite linear; filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } @keyframes huerotate { 0% { filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } 100% { filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } }

{{コード .border-image-clip-path { width: 200px; height: 100px; border: 10px solid; border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, gold, deeppink) 1; clip-path: inset(0px round 10px); animation: huerotate 6s infinite linear; filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } @keyframes huerotate { 0% { filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } 100% { filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } }


{{コード Finally

{{コード This article introduces some of the more interesting border animation tricks I think, but of course CSS produces a lot of interesting effects, so I won't go into them one by one for space.

{{コード {{コード clip-path

{{コード {{コード div { position: relative; &::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border: 2px solid gold; animation: clippath 3s infinite linear; } } @keyframes clippath { 0%, 100% { clip-path: inset(0 0 95% 0); } 25% { clip-path: inset(0 95% 0 0); } 50% { clip-path: inset(95% 0 0 0); } 75% { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 95%); } } {{コード

{{コード {{コード Renderings together with schematics. 角丸のグラデーションボーダーを巧みに実装する

{{コード {{コード Renderings together with schematics. {{コード {{コード

CodePen - clip-path border animation
CodePen - clip-path border animation

{{コード clip-path {コード

{{コード border-radius

{{コード If we use another pseudo-element as well, to actually implement a button style, we can get the effect of
