著者 スティーブン・ザイ ティエンバオ
著作権について 著作権は著者に帰属します。商業的な複製は著者に、非商業的な複製は出典を明記してください。
// Fit the column surface
cv::Mat FitCylinder(const cv::Mat&phase)
cv::Mat cyc = ImageCropping(phase);
cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(cyc.size(), CV_8UC1);
mask.setTo(255, cyc == cyc);
cv::Mat x, y, ang, mag;
UnitCart(cyc.cols, cyc.rows, x, y);
UnitPolar(x, y, mag, ang);
int samplingInterval = 1;
vector<cv::Point> points;
cv::findNonZero(mask, points);
int pointnumber = static_cast<int>(points.size());
samplingInterval = Max(samplingInterval, static_cast<int>(sqrt(pointnumber) / 100));
// Sampling to improve the speed of computation,
cv::Mat sampling_roi = GridSampling(mask.size(), samplingInterval, samplingInterval);
sampling_roi.setTo(0, ~mask);
// Get the coordinates of the sampling point
std::vector<cv::Point> samplingidx_roi;
cv::findNonZero(sampling_roi, samplingidx_roi);
int len_sam = (int)samplingidx_roi.size();
cv::Mat ang_sampling(len_sam, 1, CV_32FC1, 0.0f);
cv::Mat mag_sampling(len_sam, 1, CV_32FC1, 0.0f);
auto tmpSam = samplingidx_roi.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < len_sam; ++i, ++tmpSam) {
int x = tmpSam-> x;
int y = tmpSam-> y;
ang_sampling.ptr<float>(i)[0] = ang.ptr<float>(y)[x];
mag_sampling.ptr<float>(i)[0] = mag.ptr<float>(y)[x];
cv::Mat phase_roi = get<float>(cyc, samplingidx_roi);
cv::Mat dst(len_sam, 6, CV_32FC1, 0.0f);
cv::Mat pow1 = mag_sampling;
cv::Mat X = pow1.mul(cosf(ang_sampling));
cv::Mat Y = pow1.mul(sinf(ang_sampling));
cv::Mat X2 = pow(X, 2.0);
cv::Mat Y2 = pow(Y, 2.0);
cv::Mat XY = X.mul(Y);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
switch (i) {
case 0: dst.col(i).setTo(1.0f); break; // 0
case 1: X.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 1
case 2: Y.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 2
case 3: X2.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 3
case 4: Y2.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 4
case 5: XY.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 5
default: break;
cv::Mat result;
cv::solve(dst, phase_roi, result, cv::DECOMP_NORMAL); // Solve equation A'A * dst = dst in A'B,
cv::Mat temp = result.clone();
return result;
// Read excel image data
cv::Mat ReadPicFromExcel(string name)
cv::Mat result, pic;
ifstream infile(name);
string str;
int col = 0;
while (getline(infile, str))
string temp;
stringstream input(str);
col = 0;
while (input >> temp)
if (temp == "nan")
else {
int row = pic.rows / col;
result = pic.reshape(0, row);
return result;
// Image cropping
cv::Mat ImageCropping(const cv::Mat &phase) {
// The non-measured area is generally NaN-processed, so the mask drawing only needs to determine if it is a NaN value
cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(phase.size(), CV_8UC1);
mask.setTo(255, phase == phase);
int roi_up = 10000;
int roi_down = 0;
int roi_left = 10000;
int roi_right = 0;
int row = phase.rows;
int col = phase.cols;
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
uchar *m = mask.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
if (m[j] ! = 0)
if (j < roi_left) roi_left = j;
if (j > roi_right)roi_right = j;
if (i < roi_up)roi_up = i;
if (i > roi_down)roi_down = i;
int w = roi_right - roi_left;
int h = roi_down - roi_up;
// Generally extract the odd size for easy calculation
if (w % 2 == 0)w++;
if (h % 2 == 0)h++;
cv::Mat crop_phase = phase(cv::Rect(roi_left, roi_up, w, h)).clone();
return crop_phase;
// meshgrid
void UnitCart(int squaresizex, int squaresizey, cv::Mat& x, cv::Mat& y) {
CV_Assert(squaresizex % 2 == 1);
CV_Assert(squaresizey % 2 == 1);
x.create(squaresizey, squaresizex, CV_32FC1);
y.create(squaresizey, squaresizex, CV_32FC1);
//set the boundary
x.col(squaresizex - 1).setTo(1.0f);
y.row(squaresizey - 1).setTo(-1.0f);
float deltax = 2.0f / (squaresizex - 1.0f); // the interval between the two elements
float deltay = 2.0f / (squaresizey - 1.0f); // interval of two elements
// Calculate the value of other positions
for (int i = 1; i < squaresizex - 1; ++i) {
x.col(i) = -1.0f + i * deltax;
for (int i = 1; i < squaresizey - 1; ++i) {
y.row(i) = 1.0f - i * deltay;
// polar transformation
void UnitPolar(cv::Mat& x, cv::Mat& y, cv::Mat& mag, cv::Mat& ang) {
//cv::cartToPolar(x, y, mag, ang, indegree); //right-angle coordinates converted to polar coordinates
mag = cv::Mat(x.size(), x.type());
ang = cv::Mat(x.size(), x.type());
int row = mag.rows;
int col = mag.cols;
for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
float*m = mag.ptr<float>(i);
float*a = ang.ptr<float>(i);
float*xx = x.ptr<float>(i);
float*yy = y.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < col; ++j)
m[j] = sqrt(xx[j] * xx[j] + yy[j] * yy[j]);
a[j] = atan2(yy[j], xx[j]);
// Sampling speedup
cv::Mat GridSampling(const cv::Size& size, int rowinterval, int colinterval) {
cv::Mat dst(size, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
// Set the position point for sampling
int Row = dst.rows;
int Col = dst.cols;
for (int row = 0; row < Row; row += rowinterval) {
for (int col = 0; col < Col; col += colinterval) {
dst.at<uchar>(row, col) = 255;
return dst;
// Get the calculated data
template <typename T>
cv::Mat get(const cv::Mat& src,const std::vector<cv::Point>& idx)
int num = (int)idx.size();
cv::Mat dst(num, 1, src.type());
/* pragma omp parallel for is a directive in OpenMP that
indicates that the next for loop will be executed by multiple threads, plus there can be no relationship between each loop */
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
dst.at<T>(i, 0) = src.at<T>(idx[i]);
return dst;
// Image data cos processing
cv::Mat cosf(const cv::Mat& src) {
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32FC1);
cv::Mat dst(src.size(), src.type());
int cols = src.cols;
int rows = src.rows;
//returns the bool value to determine if the storage is contiguous.
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous())
cols *= rows;
rows = 1;
// Calculate the cos() of each element
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
const float* srci = src.ptr<float>(i);
float* dsti = dst.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
dsti[j] = std::cosf(srci[j]);
return dst;
// image data sin processing
cv::Mat sinf(const cv::Mat& src) {
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32FC1);
cv::Mat dst(src.size(), src.type());
int cols = src.cols;
int rows = src.rows;
//returns the bool value to determine if the storage is contiguous.
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous())
cols *= rows;
rows = 1;
// Calculate sin() for each element
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
const float* srci = src.ptr<float>(i);
float* dsti = dst.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
dsti[j] = std::sinf(srci[j]);
return dst;
// image data squaring
cv::Mat pow(cv::InputArray src, double power) {
cv::Mat dst;
cv::pow(src, power, dst);
return dst;
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define Max(a, b) a > b ? a : b
cv::Mat FitCylinder(const cv::Mat&phase);
cv::Mat ReadPicFromExcel(string name);
cv::Mat ImageCropping(const cv::Mat &phase);
void UnitCart(int squaresizex, int squaresizey, cv::Mat& x, cv::Mat& y);
void UnitPolar(cv::Mat& x, cv::Mat& y, cv::Mat& mag, cv::Mat& ang);
cv::Mat GridSampling(const cv::Size& size, int rowinterval, int colinterval);
template <typename T>
cv::Mat get(const cv::Mat& src, const std::vector<cv::Point>& idx);
cv::Mat cosf(const cv::Mat& src);
cv::Mat sinf(const cv::Mat& src);
cv::Mat pow(cv::InputArray src, double power);
int main(void)
cv::Mat phase = ReadPicFromExcel("test.xls");
cv::Mat coef = FitCylinder(phase);
for (int i = 0; i < coef.rows; ++i)
cout << "coef " << i << " : " << coef.at<float>(i, 0) << endl;
return 0;
// Fit the column surface
cv::Mat FitCylinder(const cv::Mat&phase)
cv::Mat cyc = ImageCropping(phase);
cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(cyc.size(), CV_8UC1);
mask.setTo(255, cyc == cyc);
cv::Mat x, y, ang, mag;
UnitCart(cyc.cols, cyc.rows, x, y);
UnitPolar(x, y, mag, ang);
int samplingInterval = 1;
vector<cv::Point> points;
cv::findNonZero(mask, points);
int pointnumber = static_cast<int>(points.size());
samplingInterval = Max(samplingInterval, static_cast<int>(sqrt(pointnumber) / 100));
// Sampling to improve the speed of computation,
cv::Mat sampling_roi = GridSampling(mask.size(), samplingInterval, samplingInterval);
sampling_roi.setTo(0, ~mask);
// Get the coordinates of the sampling point
std::vector<cv::Point> samplingidx_roi;
cv::findNonZero(sampling_roi, samplingidx_roi);
int len_sam = (int)samplingidx_roi.size();
cv::Mat ang_sampling(len_sam, 1, CV_32FC1, 0.0f);
cv::Mat mag_sampling(len_sam, 1, CV_32FC1, 0.0f);
auto tmpSam = samplingidx_roi.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < len_sam; ++i, ++tmpSam) {
int x = tmpSam-> x;
int y = tmpSam-> y;
ang_sampling.ptr<float>(i)[0] = ang.ptr<float>(y)[x];
mag_sampling.ptr<float>(i)[0] = mag.ptr<float>(y)[x];
cv::Mat phase_roi = get<float>(cyc, samplingidx_roi);
cv::Mat dst(len_sam, 6, CV_32FC1, 0.0f);
cv::Mat pow1 = mag_sampling;
cv::Mat X = pow1.mul(cosf(ang_sampling));
cv::Mat Y = pow1.mul(sinf(ang_sampling));
cv::Mat X2 = pow(X, 2.0);
cv::Mat Y2 = pow(Y, 2.0);
cv::Mat XY = X.mul(Y);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
switch (i) {
case 0: dst.col(i).setTo(1.0f); break; // 0
case 1: X.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 1
case 2: Y.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 2
case 3: X2.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 3
case 4: Y2.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 4
case 5: XY.copyTo(dst.col(i)); break; // 5
default: break;
cv::Mat result;
cv::solve(dst, phase_roi, result, cv::DECOMP_NORMAL); // Solve equation A'A * dst = dst in A'B,
cv::Mat temp = result.clone();
return result;
// Read excel image data
cv::Mat ReadPicFromExcel(string name)
cv::Mat result, pic;
ifstream infile(name);
string str;
int col = 0;
while (getline(infile, str))
string temp;
stringstream input(str);
col = 0;
while (input >> temp)
if (temp == "nan")
else {
if (j < roi_left) roi_left = j;
if (j > roi_right)roi_right = j;
if (i < roi_up)roi_up = i;
if (i > roi_down)roi_down = i;
int w = roi_right - roi_left;
int h = roi_down - roi_up;
// Generally extract the odd size for easy calculation
if (w % 2 == 0)w++;
if (h % 2 == 0)h++;
cv::Mat crop_phase = phase(cv::Rect(roi_left, roi_up, w, h)).clone();
return crop_phase;
// meshgrid
void UnitCart(int squaresizex, int squaresizey, cv::Mat& x, cv::Mat& y) {
CV_Assert(squaresizex % 2 == 1);
CV_Assert(squaresizey % 2 == 1);
x.create(squaresizey, squaresizex, CV_32FC1);
y.create(squaresizey, squaresizex, CV_32FC1);
//set the boundary
x.col(squaresizex - 1).setTo(1.0f);
y.row(squaresizey - 1).setTo(-1.0f);
float deltax = 2.0f / (squaresizex - 1.0f); // the interval between the two elements
float deltay = 2.0f / (squaresizey - 1.0f); // interval of two elements
// Calculate the value of other positions
for (int i = 1; i < squaresizex - 1; ++i) {
x.col(i) = -1.0f + i * deltax;
for (int i = 1; i < squaresizey - 1; ++i) {
y.row(i) = 1.0f - i * deltay;
// polar transformation
void UnitPolar(cv::Mat& x, cv::Mat& y, cv::Mat& mag, cv::Mat& ang) {
//cv::cartToPolar(x, y, mag, ang, indegree); //right-angle coordinates converted to polar coordinates
mag = cv::Mat(x.size(), x.type());
ang = cv::Mat(x.size(), x.type());
int row = mag.rows;
int col = mag.cols;
for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
float*m = mag.ptr<float>(i);
float*a = ang.ptr<float>(i);
float*xx = x.ptr<float>(i);
float*yy = y.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < col; ++j)
m[j] = sqrt(xx[j] * xx[j] + yy[j] * yy[j]);
a[j] = atan2(yy[j], xx[j]);
// Sampling speedup
cv::Mat GridSampling(const cv::Size& size, int rowinterval, int colinterval) {
cv::Mat dst(size, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
// Set the position point for sampling
int Row = dst.rows;
int Col = dst.cols;
for (int row = 0; row < Row; row += rowinterval) {
for (int col = 0; col < Col; col += colinterval) {
dst.at<uchar>(row, col) = 255;
return dst;
// Get the calculated data
template <typename T>
cv::Mat get(const cv::Mat& src,const std::vector<cv::Point>& idx)
int num = (int)idx.size();
cv::Mat dst(num, 1, src.type());
/* pragma omp parallel for is a directive in OpenMP that
indicates that the next for loop will be executed by multiple threads, plus there can be no relationship between each loop */
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
dst.at<T>(i, 0) = src.at<T>(idx[i]);
return dst;
// Image data cos processing
cv::Mat cosf(const cv::Mat& src) {
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32FC1);
cv::Mat dst(src.size(), src.type());
int cols = src.cols;
int rows = src.rows;
//returns the bool value to determine if the storage is contiguous.
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous())
cols *= rows;
rows = 1;
// Calculate the cos() of each element
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
const float* srci = src.ptr<float>(i);
float* dsti = dst.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
dsti[j] = std::cosf(srci[j]);
return dst;
// image data sin processing
cv::Mat sinf(const cv::Mat& src) {
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_32FC1);
cv::Mat dst(src.size(), src.type());
int cols = src.cols;
int rows = src.rows;
//returns the bool value to determine if the storage is contiguous.
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous())
cols *= rows;
rows = 1;
// Calculate sin() for each element
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
const float* srci = src.ptr<float>(i);
float* dsti = dst.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
dsti[j] = std::sinf(srci[j]);
return dst;
// image data squaring
cv::Mat pow(cv::InputArray src, double power) {
cv::Mat dst;
cv::pow(src, power, dst);
return dst;




テストケースでは、干渉計の結果が一般的に非常に低いので、値を100倍して、得られたグレースケール画像は、図1に示すように、黒と白の違いを明確に見ることができるように、私は、列の表面データをロードし、図4では、傾斜、白い部分は0よりも大きい値の部分であることも見ることができます; 私はVSで傍受した領域と当社のソフトウェアで傍受した領域が正確に同じではないため、Powerxとパワーの値が異なっている。VSで切り取った面積と弊社ソフトで切り取った面積は全く同じではないので、powerxとpoweryの値は異なるが、大きさが同じであれば、誤差はないことになる。図2のように、VSの出力を100で割って比較すると、coef3がpowerx、coef4がpoweryとなる。
もしこの記事が役に立ったなら、いいね!で教えてくれたらうれしいです~ Go!
34:5: エラー: 制御が非ボイド関数の終わりに達する可能性がある [-Werror,-Wreturn-type] エラー解析
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