1. ホーム
  2. Web プログラミング
  3. ASP プログラミング
  4. アプリケーションのヒント


2022-01-16 05:08:15


Function RegImg(TheStr)
    Dim RegEx
    Set RegEx = New RegExp 'Create a regular expression object.
    RegEx.IgnoreCase = True ' whether to be case sensitive, True is not case sensitive and default
    RegEx.Global = True 'Match all or only the first one 
    RegEx.Pattern = "<img[^>]*src\s*=\s*['"&CHR(34)&"]? ([\w/\-\:.] *)['"&CHR(34)&"]? [^>]*>" ' Search for the regular expression used
    If Regex.test(TheStr) Then ' Determines if there is a match, returns True or False. not affected by the Global property.
        Dim Matches
        Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(TheStr) ' Execute the search. the Execute method returns a Matches collection containing the Match objects for each match found in TheStr. If no matches are found, Execute returns the empty set of Matches.
        For Each Match in Matches ' Iterate through the set of matches.
        RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value & "<br />" ' Get the entire img
        RetStr = RetStr & Match.SubMatches(0)& ""||" 'fetch only src
        RegImg = RetStr
    End If           
End Function

htmlBody="<img id='img' src='/images/01.jpg' alt='画像タイトル' style='border:none;position:relative;' /><img src='/111.jpg' />& lt;img src='/222.jpg' />"。
Response.Write RegImg(htmlBody)
